Health, STEM and space science
We have extensive experience with health, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and space policy and programming, including with:
- Canada’s
three research granting councils
- NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
- SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council)
- CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research)
- the Canadian Space Agency
- research-based programs at Health Canada
- the academic (college and university) research environment
We have conducted numerous evaluations and related studies where academics and highly-qualified personnel (HQP) were involved, from astronauts to physicians, and engineers to ethicists.
Example of a project in this area:
Evaluation of the Science and Engineering Promotion Initiative: PromoScience
Evaluation of the Space Capacity Development Program of the Canadian Space Agency
Applied research and commercialization
We have a strong track record of supporting decision-makers in federal and provincial-level agencies in gaining a greater understanding of the research and innovation ecosystem. More specifically, we assist agencies in understanding the effectiveness of their programs aimed at supporting the innovation continuum, from the development of promising technologies and new markets to successful commercialization.
Example of a project in this area: