Justice systems and programs
We have considerable experience in conducting research with justice systems and justice services from across Canada with a particular focus on access to justice issues. We have worked with federal and provincial departments, legal aid programs and non-profit organizations on an extensive range of projects in the areas of civil, family, and criminal law.
We have conducted evaluations and other types of research on a wide range of topics including:
- legal aid
- youth justice
- victims of crime
- drug treatment courts
- domestic violence courts
- organized crime
- justice and technology
- crimes against humanity
- Indigenous justice
- justice and Official Language needs
- family justice programs
- public legal education and information
Over the years, we have conducted over 100 projects for the federal Department of Justice alone. Furthermore, the skills and expertise we have developed have been facilitated by the fact that two members of our senior team are lawyers.
Example of project in this area:
Evaluation of the Victoria Early Resolution and Case Management Model (ER-CM Model)
Legal services
We have worked extensively with organizations to assess the quality of their legal services. Our work in this area is wide-ranging. We have conducted a comprehensive department-wide review of legal risk management for the Department of Justice Canada, for example. We also assisted with developing and conducting the first round of evaluations of the Department’s branches and functional areas that provide legal services to government.
Our legal services work includes operational and organizational reviews as well as client satisfaction surveys for legal aid plans across the country.
Example of project in this area: