Karen Lind
MEnv., MHESenior Research Associate
Karen’s passion for evaluation grew through her years working in program development in the non-profit sector. Inspired to transition to an evaluation-focussed career, Karen completed a Master of Health Evaluation and was thrilled to join the PRA evaluation team after graduation. With a formal background in both environmental science and studies, Karen brings a strong sustainability lens and interdisciplinary perspective to her work. Trained in both qualitative and quantitative research methodology and analysis, Karen enjoys working with clients to determine what data sources will best provide the intended program or policy insights. Supplementing her formal background with additional training in project and human resource management, leadership development, conflict resolution, adult learning theory, diversity and inclusion, and evaluation techniques, Karen brings wide-ranging and practical skills to her project teams.
A dedicated lifelong learner, Karen feels fortunate to work in a field where she can support clients’ learning through relevant questions, appropriate methodologies, and timely results. Outside of her evaluation work, Karen enjoys building a love of movement, expression, and community amongst the young dancers she teaches.