Non-seatbelt use higher in rural Manitoba, while electronic communication device use higher in Winnipeg: Manitoba Public Insurance
A road safety observation study commissioned last fall by Manitoba Public Insurance reports that non-seatbelt use is higher in rural Manitoba with 10 per cent of all drivers observed not wearing their seatbelt, compared to three per cent in the Winnipeg capital region.

COVID-19 Easing Restrictions (August 2021 Results)
On August 7, 2021, the provincial government announced that restrictions would be eased and provincial reopening would begin sooner than planned.

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy (April 2021 RESULTS)
As of April 28, 2021, 447,031 vaccine doses have been administered to Manitobans.

The impact of COVID-19 on Thanksgiving
One in 3 Manitobans are cancelling Thanksgiving because of COVID-19

Perceptions and perspectives from Manitobans about pandemic behaviours (September 15, 2020)
In March 2020, Manitobans quickly adopted recommended behaviours to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Over time, Manitobans have continued to use many of these measures to reduce the spread.

Perceptions and perspectives from Manitobans about online Shopping (September 10, 2020)
Overall, 46% of Manitobans report that their household’s online shopping has increased over the last six months.